Farewell beloved illusions...
farewell of all those forgotten deadline excusions...
fathomless seas... untrodden crests...
dry... grim... naked moments await for you unrest..
they lurk restless... restless they lurk
restless as a worthless lover glaze look...
who is already dead by yesterday's sunset...
an unprecedented carnage of.bitter tastes...
the melody of conservatory screaming sirens that deafened you...
within the myriads of dull cotidian touches...
Come! Come! one more stroll...
and thats all...
the END...
we sail away for more invisible illusions...
and as of all the rest of you the others... yes! you know...
you the "others"...
for you only our harbor will be left behind...
farewell of all those forgotten deadline excusions...
fathomless seas... untrodden crests...
dry... grim... naked moments await for you unrest..
they lurk restless... restless they lurk
restless as a worthless lover glaze look...
who is already dead by yesterday's sunset...
an unprecedented carnage of.bitter tastes...
the melody of conservatory screaming sirens that deafened you...
within the myriads of dull cotidian touches...
Come! Come! one more stroll...
and thats all...
the END...
we sail away for more invisible illusions...
and as of all the rest of you the others... yes! you know...
you the "others"...
for you only our harbor will be left behind...